Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding

What is Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding? Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding or also known as DUB (with ICD 9 Code:  626.8) is the

Polyps in Uterus

What are Polyps? Polyps are abnormal tissue growth which may develop in any organ that has a good blood supply. One

Placenta Percreta

Placenta percreta is a type of medical condition wherein the placenta implants itself too deep into the uterus. This situation

Cervical Polyps

The cervix is a canal-like structure that is found below the uterus and extends to the vagina. Fragile structures, also

Cervical Ectropion

Cervical ectropion is a nonmalignant disorder that affects the cervix. This condition has several causes and may cause abrasion or

Vaginal Warts

What is vaginal warts? Most of the vaginal warts are the resultant of the sexually transmitting infection. The sexually active

Montgomery Glands

What is Montgomery glands? Transition between mammary glands and sweat glands form Montgomery glands, which are also considered as sebaceous

Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction

What is Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction? Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction is an issue that is seen during the pregnancy among the women. The


What Is Spotting After Menses Or Menstruation? Metrorrhagia is the medical term for vaginal bleeding during menstruation, spotting after menses

Spotting Between Periods

What is Spotting between Periods? Spotting in between periods takes place when there is vaginal blood flow in between the