Challenge for Toxicologists/ Forensic Experts/ Super Specialty Doctors/ Detectives

One Patient Case Study

The patient unable to do moderate work for this age of 28 Years. Easy mental & physical exhaustion for medium range of works and studies for some time. Drowsiness followed by sleep onset during morning between 8am – 5pm when tried to study. When Somebody alerted getting back to normal and sometimes not. But this is not narcolepsy as he having NO SLEEP when no study at morning or physical work.

Also during studies Pain @ neck area due to stiffness and may be neck tension or stress. These all making him unable to study and prosper well. Having memory loss to some extent of studied material. These all symptoms from last 12 years.

The problem shown to NIMHANS in Bangalore, India (Big neurological institute). They are unable to diagnose & finally thought it might be moderate depression even though symptoms not fulfilling the diagnostic criteria. So they prescribed T. Venlafaxine 225mg and he using it from last 2 years but no use.

He feels that organic or inorganic metals or poisons in Ayurveda/Sidda/Unani or rare neurotoxins have effected brain. The reason for suspect is he stayed at similar kind of people and places for 3 years before these symptoms started and after these symptoms started they gone away from him and never responded to his calls. Also the patient is very studious, intelligent, District topper and due to the above symptoms he failed later. That much of drastic changes occurred.

How about testing the Brain EEG while studying?

Mention below your views, questions, ways to get and more inputs via below comment section. The proper treatment/ remedies said will be given GOOD MONEY based on their work.

See the below screenshot


Read the below article

In wikipedia, the following symptoms mentioned.


Similar case history –


mercury-poisoning-3 mercury-poisoning-4 mercury-poisoning-4 mercury-5


Due to the body’s inability to degrade catecholamines (e.g. epinephrine), a person suffering from mercury poisoning may experience profuse sweating, tachycardia (persistently faster-than-normal heart beat), increased salivation, and hypertension (high blood pressure).

hypotonia (muscle weakness), and increased sensitivity to light. Other symptoms neuropsychiatric symptoms such as emotional lability, memory impairment. These all there in that patient.

As far as i the readings from over the web, this patient sleep or tiredness is not normal, it is due to intoxication. All remedies, tips followed by many people mentioned at here – None of these are working. Help this patient with your research and save him and also get money for the same.

Read below one for better understanding of condition

  2. (Mercury & low glutathione, low ATP)
  3. (What Enzymes Does Mercury Inhibit?)
  4. (Methyl mercury-induced combined inhibition of ATP regeneration and protein synthesis in reticulocyte lysate cell-free translation system.)
  5. (Mercury toxicity and neurodegenerative effects.)
  10. (differential diagnosis)
  11. Mercury interferes with the calcium channels that cells, especially nerve and muscle cells, use to carry out their functions

The below symptoms are there except the insomnia, headache.


The other signs are tachycardia 90+/min, high blood pressure of 144/94 mm of hg even though anti hypertensives are used. Mood changes, nervousness, irritability, muscle twitching, tremors, weakness, decreased cognitive functions, sensitivity to light are classical from last 12 years to him.

Can Forensic experts/ Super specialty/ Detectives can deal to know the cause? You can contact me for views, suggestions and more at or call to +919492370792 (ENGLISH Only). Good money will be given only after patient get back to normal.


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